Sunday, January 14, 2007

Looking back at 2006... And looking ahead.

The last year, for me, was a testing one in many ways. It was a very happening year with more failures than successes. Not that I expected it to be different. After a disastrous 2005, arguably the worst of my life, in which there were questions raised about me by my closest of friends, I could not expect the moon. So, in 06, the challenge was to overcome the debacle of 05 and regain the confidence of all people who had doubts about me. To a large extent, I must say I have succeeded in doing it.

On personal front, the 1st half was a disaster. I lost a person whom I had believed that I would not live to lose. However, after months of despair, I finally managed to come out of it to an extent in the 2nd half. Though I lost the friend, I realised I learnt a lot from the episode. I hope to carry these valuable lessons throughout my life. Things dramatically improved in the 2nd half of last year. This was mainly because I started studying very seriously for B-school entrance exams. Though the exams themselves didn't go entirely as expected, I am still satisfied. Studying for the exams reignited my enthu and helped in the other aspects of my life as well. I made many new friends and got closer to existing ones. Another very pleasant development was, I started to teach. I am thoroughly enjoying my new role as a teacher.

The professional front last year was a sea of changes. I had 3 manager changes-- does not mean no one likes to keep me. Just that people moved on, one of them a great manager. Add to this, my mentor and team lead also moved on. All this put a lot of pressure and responsibility on my shoulders. Still, I feel that I have managed to keep my head above water, though barely. Another very good development was, my friendships at office improved. To be precise, two of my colleagues, became really close to me. We share a great rapport and have very similar thoughts and interests. They have become my de facto guides at office.

There were plenty of disappointments too-- I regret that I could not read more. I read less than half a dozen books the whole year. Also, I could not write as much as I wished. I could have done my exams and managed many situations a lot better...

All in all, an average but an important year. Simply because I could have sunk into deeper shit. But, the turn around has happened and I am happy for it. I hope to carry the same momentum into 2007. There are several things I want to do this year... A few of them are:

--Take some time out for some social contribution. I really want to this.
--Learn a music instrument, preferably the piano (This has been on the list for more than 5 years now!)
--Read, read and read!!
--Write more often.
--Continue to teach.
--And many more...

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Here's wishing all of you a Very Happy and a Rocking New Year. May 2007 fulfill all your dreams and bring you loads of happiness.