Sunday, April 15, 2007


"You will remain mediocre if you keep solving problems which someone else asks you to. The greats are the ones who find the problems themselves and then set out to solve them".

"You are going back if you are not moving forward".

"The only constant thing in this world, is change. Be receptive to change and achieve success".

"You don’t have to do good things everyday. But you need to do it at least once in a while!!"

Analysis !!

Why am I doing such a pathetic job at writing? This was the question for which I set out to find an answer; and here are my findings:

1. The heat: Yes it may be surprising, but I felt that the mercury is getting to me... Even at the eleventh hour, the atmosphere is so hot and humid. It melts all the ideas and thoughts which I want to blog about. The proof is my current post- as the temperature fell (due to some unexpected, but most wanted showers in Bangalore) I am back at my writing pad.

2. Work: Not the quantity, but the quality; if you get to do some quality work, you can do quality things in other walks of life as well. But when you do crap stuff, it makes you get away from everything else...

3. No Reading: Directly relates to point 1 above. Someone wisely said ‘If you read a 100 books, you may just be able to write a page'. And, I haven’t read 100 pages :(. Given the heat, I just don’t know how I can sit at one place for more than a few mins.

4. Too much of sleep: Yes, I have been sleeping 10 to 12 hours everyday!! And that leaves very little room for anything else. I found out that the reason for me sleeping so much (Till now, I was a regular at the lack of sleep discussions) is the lack of motivation to do anything else.

So, there you go; Reasons for the long absence. Now, I want to start solving them 1 by 1. So that I can get back to my most favorite hobby asap :)

Any help in this regard is welcome.

PS: Guys howling that Sachin and NRN are unpatriotic, cut the crap!! Get a lesson on patriotism. Sachin was ready to wear the tricolour on his helmet day in and day out; Regarding NRN, read Sudha Murthy's books and you'll know that he is more patriotic than most of the people accusing him.